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Let Them Be

Writer's picture: Gary Rockey-ClewlowGary Rockey-Clewlow


Its good we can share together. Let us begin and sing: Blessed Assurance Jesus is mine


Scripture Reading: Romans Ch12:6-8

We’re all different. We all have different motivations and abilities. Some people are good communicators, others are good teachers, and others are good encouragers, others are good leaders, others are good at caring for other people and serving. Others are real givers and yet others are great at showing mercy.


As we go into a time of prayer let us sing: How Deep The Fathers Love


Let us Pray

Lord Jesus, I come to You because when I look at the hard times that we are facing, my heart seems to fail as I don’t know which way to turn, except to you. Thank you, that you have always been there for me. Thank you that you have always come through with your help in times of need. Always at the right time and always in the right way. Keep me from fear of what tomorrow may bring, knowing that I do not need to be afraid or fearful, because you have promised to supply all my needs. Thank you, Lord, for your word which has so many beautiful truths and wonderful promises. It tells me that you are always there to help when times are hard. It tells me that I am known to you. It tells me that you care for me. It tells me to not fear, for you are with me, that you are my God. It tells me that you will strengthen me and help me. Thank you for this lovely truth and for the many promises that you have given to all Your children. May my heart rest in you Lord, and keep me from fear in these difficult times. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Please share with me in the lord’s prayer

Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins

as we forgive those who sin against us.

Lead us not into temptation

but deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power,

and the glory are yours

now and for ever.


Before we go to the word let us sing: He Hideth My Soul


Let Them Be

Other people can frankly drive us nuts. But they are who they are. But when we let them be, God sets us free. But how does it work?

We all want to live the life God always intended. We have one chance at this life, that’s it. It’s not a dress rehearsal. And what’s so incredibly sad for me is to run into people, so many people, who aren’t enjoying their lives. That’s not to say we don’t go through some rough patches. Obviously, we do, but by and large, life’s there for living, for making a difference, for touching other people. There’s incredible satisfaction in that.

So, let’s look at what it means to live a life of serving other people. Today, we’re going to explore one way, a practical thing that we can do to serve other people. It’s so simple, it has to be especially for me. And its what I have learnt over the last 30 years following Jesus. it’s so profound it will touch people so deeply, it’s amazing. Here it is, just let them be. Let them be who they are. Let them be what God made them to be. And it turns out when we let them be, God sets us free.

We’re all different, have you noticed that? We’re good and bad at different things. We like different things. I like this colour; you like that colour. You like that taste; I like this taste. You like those clothes; I like these clothes. So different. And sometimes we get annoyed by those differences.

One of the biggest things that ruin our lives is other people being who they are. Their differences grate and annoy and drive us nuts. You know what I mean. But the fact is, we’re all different and the fact is, we always have to live with those sorts of people around us. God makes sure of it. God never puts us in a group where everybody is just completely the same. Let’s face it, that would be boring to start with, but God wants us to learn to humble ourselves and to get on with other people.

There’s been a lot of programmes that I’ve put together. And each time there has been other people around me, helping me. It soon comes apparent the things that I was good at and the things I wasn’t good at. On looking back, as we journeyed through the programmes, they could have criticised me, they could have complained. Instead, they helped me and when that happens, it so validates who we are. It’s wonderful to work with people like that. The Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 12, figures it out. He said.

We’re all different. We all have different motivations and abilities. Some people are good communicators, others are good teachers, and others are good encouragers, others are good leaders, others are good at caring for other people and serving. Others are real givers and yet others are great at showing mercy. (Romans 12: 6-8)

But the flip side is, we all have weaknesses. Communicators, like to talk over people. Sometimes, encouragers want to encourage so much that they end up running other people’s lives for them. People who are good at caring and showing mercy, well, sometimes are not the best time managers. And on top of that, we all have our own foibles; we all have our own ‘Achilles heel. So when we have people around who are different what does it look like to live the life God always intended?

How do you do that, when people’s weaknesses disrupt our peace and joy that God wants us to have? You know, you have a great time with God in the morning, Yes! Hallelujah! And then you deal with someone in the middle of the day and they drive you nuts and that peace has gone and that joy is gone. If we want to live the life that God always intended, we have to let people be. And when we let people be, God sets us free.

I have enough of my own faults, without your faults ruining my day as well. In fact, if I let your faults and your weaknesses ruin my day then I’m adding your faults to mine. And if I let the next person’s weaknesses rub me the wrong way, I’m adding those to my load. And the next person after that, I’m adding those to my load. I’ve got enough of my own to carry around I don’t need to carry yours with me to. My time with God is a powerful way of changing who I am and living the day for Christ, to be a blessing, to live a life of joy and peace. And when I pick up your load and the next person’s load, it ruins my peace.

Let’s make a decision right now. I’m going to let you be who you are, will you let me be who I am? When that weakness that rubs us the wrong way comes at us just let it be, just turn the other cheek and let it be. When we let people be, God sets us free. The moment we stop trying to change people, complain about them, whinge about them, get angry about them, get hurt because they offended us, our lives change.

Why is it that God makes such a big thing about forgiveness? Jesus, when He was teaching His Disciples the Lord’s Prayer said,

Forgive us as we forgive others. (Matthew 6:12)

Let’s wake up! Let those others be! Accept them just the way they are. And you know something, that’s a form of service. When we do that, it puts them before us and people sense that, they notice that. When I say, “You know something, it’s okay for you to not be a really good time manager, even though that rubs me the wrong way, because you know something, I’m not very good pastorally but you are, and we need both of us on this team.” When I say that, I’m validating who you are or who the next person is. Got the revelation! You and I have enough weaknesses and failures of our own without letting our next person’s weaknesses and failures ruin our day. When we let others ruin our day we are saying, “Because this person doesn’t fit with my view of who they should be, I’m going to get offended.”

Let me say this, thank goodness, Jesus didn’t do that on the cross with you and me. Living the life that God always intended is about living our lives with other people and for other people just the way Jesus lived His life for you and for me. And as we lay down our lives for them, our rights for them, our self-righteousness for them, God changes us, God sets us free. Doing this stuff costs us. It costs us our lives but the prize is life itself. Bottom line, if we want to live the life God always intended, we need to accept people just the way they are – willingly, kindly, gently, patiently, day after day, week after week. When we let people be, God sets us free.


Let us share together: In The Cross

The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:

The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:

The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.


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